Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Trip to Guanajuato Mexico

I'd thought I'd test out the first blog by posting a about my trip to Mexico. I have to say that every time i go to Mexico I'm enchanted by it. From the atmosphere and being around people here, to the architecture, THE FOOD!, and its history. Not only does it bring back great memories of my childhood but i find that some of the happiest times I've had have been here in Mexico.

Mexico has a mixed culture which came from European and Mesoamerican cultures. The way of life here, its culture, its mystery and folklore, and its people give everyone who visits an unforgettable experience.

On this trip i visited the colonial capital of my state of Guanajuato. It is well known for its mummies museum, "el callejon del beso" or the alley of the kiss, its mines, The Juarez Theater, Union Garden, The legends museum, and much more.

The Mummies of Guanajuato are a number of naturally mummified bodies in Guanajuato, Mexico in 1833. The bodies were mummified due to the air and weather in the area.

The first mummy was put on display in 1965. The museum contains at least 108 corpses, is located above the spot where the mummies were first discovered. Numerous mummies can be seen throughout the exhibition, of varying sizes. This museum is known to have the smallest mummy in the world, a fetus from a pregnant woman who fell victim to the disease, also mummified.

Below are a few pictures of the relaxing days i spent here...

(My brother and some friends cooking dinner...I get the tough job of taking pictures)

(Salsa dancing at a Lounge in Guanajuato...)

And that's it...I would have loved to share more but I'm hungry and need to get some lunch. But i definitely recommend visiting Guanajuato Mexico.


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